Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Help me to help the fight against cancer, and watch me suffer in the process.

Dear friends ,

At some point in our lives, everyone comes into contact with cancer. I would like to contribute to finding a solution. For this I need your support, in exchange you can watch me suffer as I struggle up an Alpe as many times as I can in one day.

In the fight against cancer everyone feels a great sense of powerlessness . Fighting seems pointless. One in three people in the Western world get cancer. I personally came into close contact with cancer at the end of 2012 when my uncle died after a long illness of what began as kidney cancer. The road to the end was very difficult, especially for my aunt. I saw up close how someone who always enjoyed life , was now confined to a bed in his living room. This was his new world.

When I found out shortly after his death, that a team of friends and co-workers in my area still had an opening to join the for Alpe d' HuZes initiative, I instantly joined. Mind you, I didn't even have a bike yet (yes, I am really Dutch) let alone a racebike. I bought one and started training. Together with this group of people, I accept the challenge . 

They have done it before, for me it's the first time. I want will move my boundaries and climb that hill as often as I can. 

I need you to support me in this initiative. Below you can find a link to the campaign page where you can make donations. You can also directly transfer any donations into my account (details below) just make add the description : "Alpe" + your own personalized message. That way I can add that message to the website so you can see that didn't keep it... 

Every little bit helps , large bits of course help more. If you have a company check out the possiblities to sponsor us. For as little as €500 you can have your name on our shirt. How cool is that? 

You can find the website and more about the initative here:


My personal account details are:

IBAN: NL22RABO 0143547437


Thanks a lot for your support!

